

Cerámica Industrial Avellaneda

In 1920 our company started its activities in the area called La Boca manufacturing construction materials. In 1928 the factory was moved to the city of Avellaneda where we continued producing partition walls and in 1940 we began manufacturing refractory material. Since then we have developed a good commercial and industrial trajectory and we have a wide range of customers from the siderurgical, metallurgical, cement, glass, aluminium, chemical, petrochemical, lime and ceramic industry, power plants and cooper, bronze, brass, lead and iron foundry. We are also suppliers to a wide range of other users in whose plants heat kits are used. In addition to our line of refractories we have developed an interesting antiacid and anticorrosive material market, both in ceramic and mono…

Cerámica Industrial Avellaneda

Country: Argentina
Address: Cnel. Lacarra Avellaneda-Buenos Aires
Postal Code: 1531
Website: http://www.ceramica-avellaneda.com.ar

Cerámica Industrial Avellaneda

Address: Cnel. Lacarra Avellaneda-Buenos Aires Postal Code: 1531 Website: http://www.ceramica-avellaneda.com.ar

Sponsored by: ACRI (The Association of China Refractories Industry), Tangshan YinNaiLian E-Business Co., Ltd.

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